Gordon East Public School

Safe Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9498 2011


About our school

Gordon East Public School has as its mission: 'To be recognised for excellence, caring and resourcefulness in producing quality education for all. Gordon East Public School is committed to the total development of all students to prepare them for a responsible, satisfying participation in our rapidly changing society.'

Set in two hectares of a quiet, leafy residential area, Gordon East Public School is a small but well-resourced school. The environmental and physical resources are complemented by an extremely supportive and active parent body and a committed, professional teaching staff. 

Our school provides a happy, stimulating environment where all students are encouraged to excel and reach their full potential. An outstanding feature of Gordon East Public School is the sense of purpose shared by the school community and the supportive relationships that underpin this. Our caring and committed staff work in partnership with parents to inspire students to succeed.

Whilst particular emphasis is given to the basic skills including literacy and numeracy, we provide a range of extra-curricular activities to further enhance educational opportunities in dance, drama, choir, music, creative arts, public speaking and sport.

Gordon East Public School has a strong technology focus, with Interactive Whiteboards in all classrooms. This exciting technology enables our teachers to present interactive lessons in their day to day teaching in the classrooms. Technology is further enhanced across the school with our connected classroom facility. The video conferencing enables students and staff to interact with wide audiences and opens the world to our students.

School motto

The motto of Gordon East Public School is is 'courtesy and cooperation'. It is a thriving and dynamic school, a centre of growth and learning. Student welfare is a high priority and we believe that students, teachers and parents need to recognise and respect the rights and responsibilities of each other. 

We aim that our school will: 

  • provide a happy and safe environment in which students can learn effectively and strive towards their full potential 
  • encourage students to respect themselves and property 
  • promote and reinforce self-discipline and citizenship 
  • implement appropriate and challenging experiences to meet students needs and experience success
  • strengthen the home-school partnership and keep parents well informed of practices.