Gordon East Primary OSHCare

The out of out of school hours care (OSHC) centre is open between the hours of 7:30am and 9:15am, and 3:15pm and 6pm during the school term. Children are generally signed out of OSHC at 8:45am so that they can participate in school playground play with the other children.
Gordon East OSHC Philosophy
At Gordon East Primary OSHCare, we strive to provide a caring, safe, and engaging learning enviroment for all children attending Before School Care, After School care, Vacation Care and Pupil Free Days.
We seek to develop a partnership between families, carer's, Centre, and school staff to build relationships where trust and mutual understanding can develop between the home, the Centre and the school. We endeavour to ensure that these relationships are secure, respectful and reciprocal.
Our Centre is unique in meeting the needs of our schildren, familes, community, and the school by:
- providing programs and experiences relevant to children's individual needs and interests in before, after and vacation care situations
- developing partnerships with schools and communities to accommodate the needs of all involved
- recognising and promoting the importance of a shared management structure which allows for parental involvement and contributions
- employing effective systems for recruiting, managing and developing high quality teams of staff.
Our Company values are:
- Be Courageous- Challenge ourselves
- Be Passionate- Bring energy and determination
- Be Cansiderate- be there for others
Our Centre staff go above and beyond to role model these values for our children, familes, school, and community to empower and encourage them to learn and grow with us as we do our part in providing the highest quality of care.
Centre policies and procedures are comprehensive and are based on the quality improvement and accreditation system implemented by the National Childcare Accreditation Council. Full copies are available on request.
The school playground is supervised by school staff from 8:45am. The centre provides breakfast from 7:45am to 8:30am and afternoon tea at around 4pm. In addition, children are offered fresh fruit at 3:15am on arrival at the centre. Drinking water is available to children at all times. Vacation care is offered between 7am and 6pm each week day during the school holiday period and on pupil free days. The centre is closed on public holidays.
Children are offered a range of activities which suit their individual learning and social needs. Homework and other clubs, such as yoga, cooking and gardening are offered to children to promote special interests. A stimulating and exciting vacation care program is offered during each school holiday period.
A variety of excursion and centre based theme days are offered to the children. The centre has been approved for funding for the active after schools communities program which offers children additional activities with trained sports coaches and professionals.
Enrolment details
Enrolment at the centre is simple just complete https://www.primaryoshcare.com.au/register/ Bookings can be made for permanent (regular) sessions or casually on or before the day that care is needed call 0430 366 917.
Full enrolment information, including an information book and fees schedule, is available on request. Fees are subsidised by childcare benefit, by application to the family assistance office child care benefit information. To obtain your fee subsidy please contact the family assistance office on 13 61 50.
You will need to quote our provider numbers which are:
- before and after school care: 407 127 740X
- vacation care: 407 127 746V.
The family assistance office will notify the centre directly of your entitlements. For further information contact 0430 366 917.