Gordon East Public School

Safe Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9498 2011


Parents and citizens' association

Gordon East Public School has an active volunteer parents and citizens' association (P&C) community which supports the students in a number of ways.

These include:

  • promoting close cooperation between parents, the community, the principal, teachers and students
  • providing additional facilities, resources and equipment through fundraising and grant applications
  • running the school canteen and uniform shop
  • assisting in upgrading and maintaining the school buildings and grounds
  • organising social activities outside school hours
  • providing a forum to give feedback on our school.

All families at Gordon East Public School are welcomed and encouraged to participate in the P&C meetings and wider activities. The P&C is only effective if we have enthusiastic members. It provides an excellent forum to learn about what is happening at Gordon East Public School and understand more about your children's school experience. You don't need to hold a position or have any special talents or skills. Come along to a meeting and give it a go!

Within the P&C there is an executive committee and a number of sub-committees. These positions are voted in by parents at the P&C annual general meeting. Most office bearers require additional support of the parent community so look out for opportunities to participate.

There are many areas to get involved including: 

  • having fun and helping on the fundraising events
  • help with catering for events
  • serving your children at the canteen
  • becoming a class parent
  • helping in the uniform shop
  • assisting on environs days.

We welcome you to our community and encourage you to get involved!


The P&C meet twice in Term 1 and 4, and once in Term 2 and 3. An agenda is sent out to the school community via e-mail prior to each meeting. These meetings provide a forum to find out about school initiatives and discuss current issues. The principal attends the meetings and provides updates and insight into wider issues affecting the school. Meetings are held on a Tuesday evening in Week 3 and 8 of Term 1 and in Week 3 of Terms 2, 3 and 4 at 7.30pm in the school library.

Please note the P&C Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in Week 9 of Term 4, as P&C by-Laws state our AGM must be held in December each year.

Fundraising and spending

The P&C funds its activities through:

  • annual voluntary contribution scheme – the P&C asks all families to make an annual voluntary financial donation based on the number of children they have enrolled at the school. Letters are delivered to all families during first term of every year and the monies raised directly benefit the children and the school.
  • other fundraising activities – run by parents during the year.

As a result of the successful fundraising and donations, amongst others, the P&C made significant contributions to the school.

Executive and sub-committees

  • President 
  • Treasurer 
  • Secretary
  • Vice President
  • Vice President (events)
  • Executive Members -(assistant treasurer), (community),  (communications)
  • Book Club
  • Canteen Committee 
  • Environs
  • Parent Band Co-ordinator 
  • Band Treasurer 

Contact us

The P&C or its office bearers may be contacted bysending an email to geps@gordoneastpandc.org.au