Gordon East Public School

Safe Respectful Learners

Telephone02 9498 2011


Student welfare

Discipline needs to be fair, effective and collaborative. Teachers will use discretion to ensure consequences are fair and effective when dealing with students who break the rules.

White slips

After one reminder, a white slip may be given to a student who breaks a school behaviour expectation. The reason for the white slip will be discussed with the student and recorded on the slip.  This slip will be sent to the classroom teacher who will keep a record. The white slip will be recorded as a reminder.

Three white slips will usually result in a detention. Please note white slips will be discounted at the end of each term as every term is a fresh start.

Instant detention will be given if a student displays aggression or violence.

Detention means the student is removed from the playground for playing time. The focus in the detention room will be on the student taking ownership of his/her behaviour and where possible, restitution. Parents will be notified via a letter home from the detention supervisor. This is to be signed and returned to the classroom teacher.

Dealing with inappropriate behaviour inside the classroom

For dealing with inappropriate behaviour inside the classroom following the steps to resolve the issue.

They are:

  • step 1: warning given to the student 
  • step 2: student name is recorded 
  • step 3: cross or crosses will be put beside the student's name 
  • step 4: time-out in the room 
  • step 5: time-out in a buddy classroom 
  • step 6: student to supervisor to discuss behaviour.


For the Department of Education procedures for the suspension and explusion of school students will be applied where appropriate. Ongoing concerns about student behaviour will be discussed between the student, class teacher, supervisor and parents. In these cases behaviour programs, which are more effective, may be established or further disciplinary action taken.