Hello and welcome back to another musical year at Gordon East Public School.
I am proud to say that every student at Gordon East Public School is involved in singing throughout the week; either in class lesson time (Kindergarten to Year 2) or Stage singing (Kindergarten to Year 6). As well as the band and strings programs, we have four specialised groups for those students who are keen to participate in the fun, learning and rewards of being in a smaller, more intensive choral or instrumental group. Please encourage your child to come along and join in! This year we have made some changes in structure and direction with the choirs and they are outlined here for your perusal. I have started sign up sheets for the following groups:
- Year 5 and 6 choir on Wednesday 8pm to 9am, Opera House concert, school assemblies and special occasions
- Year 3 and 4 choir on Monday 8pm to 8:40am, Sydney Town Hall concert, school assemblies and special occasions
- Year 1 and 2 choir on Monday 8:40pm to 9am, school assemblies and special occasions
I will leave the sign up sheets on the hall staircase if you would like to add your child's name to the lists. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding music in our school, please contact me by email elizabeth.vallentine1@det.nsw.edu.au or catch me in the playground. My days are Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
At Gordon East Public School, for our music program we have the following notes for our band, string ensembles, choir and recorder ensemble.
For our band program, we have the following notes available to our students.
Download and view the:
- band registration form (PDF 49KB)
- Gordon East Public School code of conduct (PDF 58KB)
- instrument hire agreement (PDF 129KB)
- code of conduct (PDF 96KB).
String ensembles
For our string ensembles program, we have the following notes available to our students.
Download and view the:
- strings handbook (PDF 197KB)
- parents' rehearsal duties (PDF 99KB)
- strings registration form (PDF 84KB).
Recorder ensemble and choir
For our recorder ensemble and choirs program, we have the following notes available to our students.
Download and view the: